I journal quite a bit and my holy grail has been using my favorite text editor (Vim or Vim bindings) with Evernote to store the everything in a smart searchable format. Today I stumbled onto a neat little tool that makes this all happen called Geeknote http://www.geeknote.me/. It’s written in Python and works fine on my Mac.
#!/bin/sh# Download the repository.git clone git://github.com/VitaliyRodnenko/geeknote.gitcd geeknote# Launch Geeknote and go through login procedure.python geeknote.py login#change vim to whatever you want it to bepython geeknote.py settings –editor vim
#!/bin/sh#change checkout_dir to match where you’ve checked out the latestcheckout_dir=~/Documents/geeknote#change notebook to whatever notebook you use as your journalnotebook=Journaltitle=$1if [ -z “$1” ]thentitle=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)fiecho creating a note named $title in the $notebook notebookpython $checkout_dir/geeknote.py create –title $title –notebook $notebook –content “test”python $checkout_dir/geeknote.py edit –note $title –notebook $notebook –content “WRITE”
journal #creates a note in journal with todays date as the title
journal custom_title #no spaces allowed and will use the title specified