Adventures in Meta programming in Python

With my recent work in Python win32 programming I’ve had a real need for AAA style mocking framework. Unable to find anything that I’ve been completely happy with I started my own simple mocking framework and got to learn some Python style meta programming  in the process. I’ve found out a lot about the depth of the Python 2.x object model over the last 2 weeks and here are some of the nicer things I’ve found (updated as per Chris Taveres below):

function_class =

This is useful if you pass in an instance method  somewhere and you want to be able to access its attached class.  Decorators on instance methods normally use this, but I needed it to get a nicer syntax on my asserts, I wanted this:




So now when I want to track what class is passed in I just have to start with the following:

def assertCalled(method):
    classdef = method.im_class #I get the method and the class in one parameter!

module = __import__(“foomodule”)

this creates a module import by string. This becomes super powerful say if you wanted to replace functionality on a module, but didn’t know its name before hand.  In my case I wanted to be able to patch in a replacement method for mocking and then put it back when I was done, and I didn’t want to have to keep passing in the module name on resets. The only downside to it so far is it behaves a little quirky with packages and you have walk your module hierarchy to get it to do what you want

example of patching originals back into the module:

for mod, original in _originals.items():  #key is a combination of module name and methodname, value is the original function itself
    modulename = mod[]
    methodname = mod[1]
    module = __import__(modulename)  #this is the magic. if module name has no package aka : “barmod” this will work. if its “foopackage.barmod” it’ll import the “foopackage” 
    for i in modulename.split(“.”)[1:]: #works down the chain 
        module = getattr(module, i) #resets the module variable with the lower hierarchy module 
    setattr(module, methodname, original) #actually pass the original function object back onto the module.



MyClass.__getattribute__ = interception

__getattribute__ is called when any attribute is accessed on a class including __getattribute__ itself which is a bit silly.  This was the primary engine of my mocking framework as it allowed me to record all calls to the methods on a mocked class.  Just remember when you use this to have it not call itself or you’ll be in endless recursion!


class MyClass(object):</p>

    def stuff(self):

def interceptor(self, name):
    if name == “__getattribute__”: #guard condition against calling itself
        return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
        #whatever interception logic you need here

MyClass.__getattribute__ = interceptor
= MyClass()
m.stuff() #interception logic will be called here </div> </div>


I’m just starting to dip into the Python object model now and I’ll try and share what I find over the next few weeks.