VAN: Doing 2 Part Series on Castle development July 1st and 8th at 8pm

I know this isn’t related to my Pylons series and worry not there is no interruption in that, but I’m giving a couple of talks on Virtual Alt.Net. The first one I’ve done before and you may have heard it at Alamo Coders, the second one is all new and it’ll give me opportunity to clean up and release my lightweight plugin framework for monorail.

For those of you who don’t know Virtual Alt Net is held over Live Meeting here

Part 1 July 1st: IoC and Dip through Castle Windsor:</p>

Description: Ever
wonder what acronyms like IoC and Dip mean? If you know what they mean
do you wonder why anyone would use them in code?  This talk aims to
deal primarily with those two questions through the use of Castle
Windsor IoC container.  Intermediate level C# material with a couple of
more advanced demos at the end for fun and pleasure.</span>

Part 2 July 8th: Web Development with Castle Monorail, Active Record and Brail view engine

Description: Have a look at the first popular MVC  .Net based web framework. Also will be covering persistence with ActiveRecord, and view templates using Brail.  Bonus, will demo a plugin framework for building CMS-like applications.