Glad to be here

EDIT: this is an old post copied over from my old blog on Los Techies, I have kept it here for archival reasons. The contact info and links below are almost certainly no longer accurate

Hi, my name is Ryan Svihla, and I’m the newest member of Los Techies; and I’d like to provide some background for most of you wondering, “who is this guy.”

I’ve recently moved to San Antonio, TX, and love it here. I don’t miss the winters and humidity of the farm states where I previously lived. I greatly appreciate the local developer community and learning at the feet of people like Jasdeep, Jason, Joe, Josh](, Anne, Phil, and many others.

I work for a local bank for my day job, where I am a developer-focused in C# My duties center on maintaining a legacy backend and acting as an architect to our intranet and job server. My previous experience was primarily in consulting as a Windows and *NIX sysadmin, which gave me a pragmatic bent, so I don’t tend to get too wrapped up in platforms, languages, or brands.

I attend Alamocoders, SA ruby, Virtual Alt.Net, and SA tech book club meetings regularly and have created a couple of very humble projects in Pinsor and SpecMaker (the latter is still in pre-release status).

You can follow me on Twitter or contact me at rssvihla at Gmail dot com if you have any questions or want to chat. Finally, I want to thank Jason again for inviting me here; I’ll work hard. I live up to the high standards set by others.